Aug 2021 – Fairy Bricks delivered to Kingston Hospital

Not only was ParLUGment lucky enough to contribute to the joy of sick children in our local hospital, we were fortunate enough to benefit from the international Fairy Bricks charity which works out of the United Kingdom with the LEGO® Foundation to donate LEGO sets to children’s hospices and hospitals. Once again ParLUGment applied to the charity and received 3 large boxes of sets. With Covid practices in place, the boxes were delivered to the children’s ward of Kingston, Ontario approximately 1½ hours from Ottawa. Staff at the Hospital were in awe of the generosity of Fairy Bricks and accepted the shipment with large smiles. Consider donating to so that more children can benefit from this generous program.

2021-08 Fairy Bricks delivered to Kingston Hospital
2021-08 Fairy Bricks delivered to Kingston Hospital
Fairy Bricks Charity
2021-08 Fairy Bricks delivered to Kingston Hospital